
How much do babies sleep

How much do babies sleep depends basically on their age. Newborn babies sleep about 16 to 20 hours a day. Yet, let them sleep as much as they like. At their first month their sleep hours is a little more regulate. However, we have to keep in mind that every baby is different and they may be more or less. In addition, even every baby may differ from time to time, we just have to know our baby more.

How much do babies sleep

Teething baby won t sleep

Teething baby won t sleep and this will certainly cause us big problem. Babies begin teething by about age 6 months in general. The two bottom front teeth are usually the first to begin appearing, followed by the two top front teeth. This is comparing with some signs and symptoms of teething like: Drooling, Chewing on solid objects, Irritability or crankiness, Sore or tender gums.
Teething baby won t sleep

read the following articles:

Baby sleep regression

baby sleep Link

How much should my baby sleep?

How much should my baby sleep? This is the first and the biggest question may any new parents ask. Those are some general guidelines may help to know how many hours of sleep the baby needs in general and in the average. Every baby is different for sure,  but this may help in guiding.

read the following articles:

Baby sleep regression

baby sleep Link

Baby sleep chart

Baby sleep chart :
Newborn-2 months sleeps 16-18 hours a day, in 8-9 times and 3-5 naps

2-4 months sleeps 14-16 hours a day, in 9-10 times and 3 naps

4-6 months sleeps 14-15 hours a day, in 10 times and 2-3 naps

6-9 months sleeps 14 hours a day, in 10-11 times and 2 naps

9-12 months sleeps 14 hours a day, in 10-12 times and 2 naps

Baby sleep chart

Baby sleep regression

Baby sleep regression, is the technical term which we use to express when a good baby sleeper turns bad. Usually when mum is just starting to catch up on sleep with the baby's mode, he suddenly begins to wake up again in the middle of the night. This is a real problem for working mothers.

Baby sleep regression

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